Journal Information

Renal biopsies in special situations
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:627-9
Editorial comments
Evolution and applications of bioimpedance in managing chronic kidney disease
J.M. López-Gómez
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:630-4
Future uses of vectorial bioimpedance (BIVA) in nephrology
S. Cigarrán Guldrís
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:635-43
Short reviews
Arterial calcification: cardiovascular function and clinical outcome
Gérard M. London, G.M. London
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:644-7
The role of peritoneal dialysis in the treatment of ascites
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:648-55
Special originals
Costs and added value of haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis outsourcing agreements
J.M. Lamas Barreiro, M. Alonso Suárez, J.A. Saavedra Alonso, A. Gándara Martínez
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:656-63
Guidelines s.e.n.
Appendix to Dialysis Centre Guidelines: Recommendations for the Relationship Between Outpatient Haemodialysis Centres and Reference Hospitals. Opinions From the Outpatient Dialysis Group
Grupo de Hemodiálisis Extrahospitalaria, I. Berdud, M.D. Arenas, A. Bernat, R. Ramos, A. Blanco
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:664-9
The phase angle of the electrical impedance is a predictor of long-term survival in dialysis patients
S. Abad, G. Sotomayor, A. Vega, A. Pérez de José, U. Verdalles, R. Jofré, J.M. López-Gómez
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:670-6
Validation of the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation in advanced chronic renal failure
Jose Luis Teruel Briones, , Antonio Gomis Couto, , Josefa Sabater, , Milagros Fernández Lucas,
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:677-82
Clinical application of Ultracontrol®: infusion volume and use with different dialyzers
Marta Albalate Ramón, , Rafael Perez Garcia, , Patricia de Sequera Ortiz, , Roberto Alcázar Arroyo,
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:683-9
Validation on the simplified medication adherence questionnaire (SMAQ) in renal transplant patients on tacrolimus
Francisco José Ortega Suárez, , Jaime Sánchez Plumed, , Miguel Ángel Pérez Valentín,
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:690-6
Effectiveness of treatment with oral paricalcitol in patients with pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease
José Gregogio Hervás Sánchez, José Gregorio Hervás Sánchez, María Dolores Prados Garrido, Aurora Polo Moyano, Sebastian Cerezo Morales
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:697-706
Relationship between serum phosphorus and the progression of advanced chronic kidney disease
Francisco Caravaca, Juan Villa, Elena García de Vinuesa, Coral Martínez del Viejo, Rocío Martínez Gallardo, Rosa Macías, Flavio Ferreira, Isis Cerezo, Román Hernández-Gallego
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:707-15
Psychonephrology: psychological aspects in autosomal dominant polycistic kidney disease
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:716-22
Impact of peritonitis on long-term survival of peritoneal dialysis patients
Grupo Levante de diálisis peritoneal, E. Muñoz de Bustillo, F. Borrás, C. Gómez-Roldán, F.J. Pérez-Contreras, J. Olivares, R. García, A. Miguel
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:723-32
Short originals
Causes of unplanned hemodialysis initiation
Antonio Gomis Couto, José Luis Teruel Briones, Milagros Fernández Lucas, Maite Rivera Gorrin, Nuria Rodríguez Mendiola, Sara Jiménez Álvaro, Carlos Quereda Rodríguez-Navarro
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:733-7
Haemodialysis course is associated to changes in pain threshold and in the relations between arterial pressure and pain
G.A. Reyes del Paso, C.M. Perales Montilla
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:738-42
Case reports from nephropathology club
Mixed cryoglobulinaemia not related to hepatitis C virus, mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis and lymphoplasmocytic lymphoma
Maria-Noel Martina, , Manel Solé, , Elisabet Massó, , Núria Perez,
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:743-6
Letters to the editor - brief papers about basic research or clinical experiences
Revision of protocols and infection patterns: a useful tool in the treatment of peritonitis
J. Santos Nores, E. Novoa Fernández, O. Conde Rivera, E. Iglesias Lamas, C. Pérez Melón
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:747-8
Proposals for new classifications regarding chronic kidney disease: A promising future
J. Escribano Serrano, A. Michán Doña, L. García Domínguez, C. Casto Jarillo
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:748-50
Peritoneal dialysis after removing the catheter because of peritonitis
E. Iglesias Lamas, M.J. Camba Caride, E. Novoa Fernández, J. Santos Nores
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:750-1
Salicylate poisoning management
C. Ruiz-Zorrilla López, B. Gómez Giralda, J. Sánchez Ballesteros, M. García García, A. Molina Miguel
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:751-2
Letters to the editor - brief case reports
Chronic hypercalcaemia in haemodialysis patients
J.A. Martín Navarro, M.J. Gutiérrez Sánchez, V. Petkov Stoyanov
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:752-4
Fulminant oligo-secretory multiple myeloma
M. Heras, J. Izquierdo, A. Saiz, J. Hernández, J.A. Queizan, J. González, M.J. Fernández-Reyes, R. Sánchez
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:754-6
Unusual epidemiological pattern in kidney transplant patient with HIV and Kaposi's sarcoma. Resolution after sirolimus therapy
L. Calle, A. Mazuecos, T. García Álvarez, F. Guerrero, A. Moreno, R. Collantes, M. Rivero
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:756-7
Acute renal failure secondary to sodium and water depletion due to diarrhoea plus acetazolamide
M. Polaina Rusillo, J. Borrego Hinojosa, A. Liébana Cañada
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:757-8
Secondary amyloidosis in a HIV patient
E. Jatem, J. Loureiro, I. Agraz, A. Curran
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:759-60
Acute renal failure secondary to cyclic vomiting syndrome
M.J. Izquierdo Ortiz, V. Mercado Valdivia, P. Abaigar Luquin
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:760-1
Distal renal tubular acidosis in a seven-week pregnant woman: Diagnosis, complications and treatments
Oussamah Fikri Benbrahim, Fátima Cazalla Cadenas, Ana Valentín Martin, Erik David Valladares Molleda
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:761-3
Systemic lupus erythematosus and hypothyroidism
M. Cuxart, A. Grau, M. Picazo, R. Sans
Nefrologia (English Version). 2011;31:763-4