Journal Information

Editorial comments
Hypersensitivity reactions to synthetic haemodialysis membranes ' an emerging issue?
M. Antonia Álvarez-de Lara, Alejandro Martín-Malo
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:698-702
Sexual dysfunction in men and women on peritoneal dialysis: Differential link with metabolic factors and quality of life perception
Pedro Azevedo, Ricardo Santos, José Durães, Olívia Santos, Maria J. Carvalho, António Cabrita, Anabela Rodrigues
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:703-9
Pharmaceutical interventions in prescriptions for patients admitted with chronic renal failure
Paula Arrabal-Durán, M. Esther Durán-García, Almudena Ribed-Sánchez, Patricia Hidalgo-Collazos, María Sanjurjo-Sáez
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:710-5
Clinical, analytical and bioimpedance characteristics of persistently overhydrated haemodialysis patients
Grupo ORD (Optimizando Resultados de Diálisis), Sandra Castellano, Inés Palomares, Manuel Molina, Rafael Pérez-García, Pedro Aljama, Rosa Ramos, J. Ignacio Merello
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:716-23
Protective effect of adrenomedullin on contrast induced nephropathy in rats
Salih Inal, Eyüp Koc, Gülay Ulusal-Okyay, Özge T. Pasaoglu, Ipek Isik-Gönül, Eser Öz-Oyar, Hatice Pasaoglu, Galip Güz
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:724-31
Short originals
Repairing and recovering broken peritoneal catheters
Mercedes Moreiras-Plaza, Raquel Blanco-García, Laura Beato-Coo, Isabel Martín-Baez, Francisco Fernández-Fleming
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:732-6
Psychosocial factors and adherence to drug treatment in patients on chronic haemodialysis
M. del Pilar Huertas-Vieco, María P. Huertas-Vieco, Rafael Pérez-García, Marta Albalate, Patricia de Sequera, Mayra Ortega, Marta Puerta, ... Roberto Alcázar
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:737-42
Seasonal Variations and Influence of the Weather on the Appearance of Peritoneal Infection
Miguel Núñez-Moral, J. Emilio Sánchez-Álvarez, Isabel González-Díaz, Beatriz Peláez-Requejo, Aurora Quintana-Fernández, Carmen Rodríguez-Suárez
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:743-8
Safety and efficacy of outpatient biopsy in renal transplantation
Irina B. Torres-Rodríguez, Eva Castella-Fierro, Xavier Serres-Creixans, Maite Salcedo-Allende, María A. Azancot-Rivero, Manel Perelló-Carrascosa, Joana Sellares-Roig, Carme Cantarell-Aixandri, ... Daniel Serón-Micas
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:749-55
Where we come from and where we are going in terms of peritoneal dialysis: identifying barriers and strategies for the future
M. Mercedes Moreiras-Plaza
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:756-67
Consensus documents
Executive summary of the consensus document on the management of renal disease in HIV-infected patients
S.E.N. Panel of experts from GESIDA of SEIMC, S.E.N., and SEQC, la S.E.N. y la SEQC Panel de Expertos del GESIDA de la SEIMC, la S.E.N. y la SEQC, José Luis Górriz, Félix Gutiérrez, Joan Carles Trullas, Piedad Arazo, José Ramón Arribas, ... José María Miró
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:768-88
Case reports
Polyarteritis nodosa complicated by posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome: a case report
Alper Alp, Hakan Akdam, Harun Akar, Kutsi Koseoglu, Ayca Ozkul, Ibrahim Meteoglu, Yavuz Yenicerioglu
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:789-96
Letters to the editor - comments on published articles
Comment on 'Acute rejection of Non-functioning Renal Graft in Dialysis Patients after Starting Treatment with Interferon and Ribavirin'
M. Adoración Martín-Gómez
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:797
Reply to the comment on 'Acute Rejection of Non-functional renal grafts in dialysis patients after starting treatment with interferon and ribavirin'
Teresa Cavero-Escribano, Enrique Morales-Ruiz
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:798
Letters to the editor - brief papers about basic research or clinical experiences
Monitoring of BK virus in transplant patients of the renal unit of the Perrando Hospital, Chaco, Argentina
Karina Marinic, Jessica Sinchi, Mónica Gómez, Rafael Díaz, Silvina Grillo, Alicia Habegger-de Sorrentino
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:799-800
Chronic kidney disease and acromegaly: when appearances are deceptive
José M. Peña-Porta, Irene Burgase-Estallo, Francisco Nicolás-Sánchez, Carmen Vicente-de Vera Floristán
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:800-2
Residual renal function in patients on peritoneal dialysis: effect of peritonitis episodes
Maite Rivera-Gorrin, José L. Teruel-Briones, Nuria Rodríguez-Mendiola, Martha Díaz-Domínguez, Gloria Ruiz-Roso, Carlos Quereda-Rodríguez-Navarro
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:802-4
Letters to the editor - brief case reports
Hyponatremia in a patient admitted for meningitis: euvolemic hyponatremia not due to the Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion
Martín Cuesta-Hernández, Emilia Gómez-Hoyos, Clara Marcuello-Foncillas, Paz De Miguel-Novoa, Teresa Ruiz-Gracia, Concepción Sanabria-Pérez, Alfonso L. Calle-Pascual, Isabelle Runkle-De La Vega
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:805-7
Hypersensitivity to Synthetic Hemodialysis Membranes
Juan A. Martín-Navarro, M. José Gutiérrez-Sánchez, Vladimir Petkov-Stoyanov
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:807-8
Acute renal failure with low complement levels: check for tubulointerstitial nephritis
Henar Santana-Zapatero, Álvaro Nava-Rebollo, Anunciación González-López, Julia Diego-Martín, Beatriz Andrés-Martín, Cipriano Escaja-Muga, Hugo Díaz-Molina, Jesús Grande-Villoria, ... Ángel Santos-Briz
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:809-10