Journal Information

Kidney health for all: Bridging the gap in kidney health education and literacy
Robyn G. Langham, Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, Ann Bonner, Alessandro Balducci, Li-Li Hsiao, Latha A. Kumaraswami, Paul Laffin, Vassilios Liakopoulos, ... for the World Kidney Day Joint Steering Committee
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:113-21
Health and environmental effects of the use of N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone as a solvent in the manufacture of hemodialysis membranes: A sustainable reflexion
Faissal Tarrass, Meryem Benjelloun
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:122-4
Impact of an article in the social age: Is tweeting the same as citing?
Marco Montomoli, Omar Taco Sanchez, Luis D’Marco, José Luis Gorriz Teruel
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:125-9
Successful treatment with adapted high dose methotrexate in a hemodialysis patient with primary central nervous system lymphoma: 100mg/m2 seems sufficient
Justine Solignac, Laure Farnault, Thomas Robert, Raphaelle Fanciullino, Sylvain Choquet, Philippe Brunet, Geoffroy Venton, Mickaël Bobot
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:130-4
Kidney transplant outcome of expanded criteria donors after circulatory death
Paloma Barreda Monteoliva, Dolores Redondo-Pachón, Eduardo Miñambres García, Emilio Rodrigo Calabia
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:135-44
Quantification and treatment of congestion in heart failure: A clinical and pathophysiological overview
Rafael de la Espriella, Enrique Santas, Isabel Zegri Reiriz, Jose Luis Górriz, Marta Cobo Marcos, Julio Núñez
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:145-62
Original articles
Inflammation and hemodialysis adequacy: are C-reactive protein levels influenced by the dose of dialysis?
Francisco Valga, Tania Monzón, Nicanor Vega-Diaz, José Carlos Rodriguez-Perez, Sergio Ruiz-Santana
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:163-70
Impact of the kidney transplantation on renalase and blood pressure levels in renal transplant donors and recipients
Rahmi Yilmaz, Tolga Yildirim, Ayman Abudalal, Yunus Erdem
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:171-6
Diabetes acts on mortality in hemodialysis patients predicted by asymmetric dimethylarginine and inflammation
Mauro Sergio Martins Marrocos, Andrei Alkmim Teixeira, Beata Marie Quinto, Maria Eugênia Fernandes Canzian, Silvia Manfredi, Marcelo Costa Batista
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:177-85
Severity of protein-energy wasting and obesity are independently related with poor quality of life in peritoneal dialysis patients
Claudia N. Orozco-González, Roxana M. Márquez-Herrera, Laura Cortés-Sanabria, Alfonso M. Cueto-Manzano, Margarita Gutiérrez-Medina, Erika F. Gómez-García, Enrique Rojas-Campos, José R. Paniagua-Sierra, Fabiola Martín del Campo
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:186-95
Factors affecting prognosis of the patients with severe hyponatremia
Ercan Turkmen, Ahmet Karatas, Mahmut Altindal
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:196-202
Case report
Transient early-childhood hyperkalaemia without salt wasting, pathophysiological approach of three cases
Caupolicán Alvarado, Alejandro Balestracci, Ismael Toledo, Sandra Mariel Martin, Laura Beaudoin, Luis Eugenio Voyer
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:203-8
Letters to the editor
First case of bacteriemia caused by Pannonibacter phragmitetus in a haemodialysis patient
Anna Gallardo, María del Carmen Merino Bueno, Cristina Sango Merino, Ana María Suárez Laurés, Miguel de la Torre-Fernández, Emilio Sánchez Álvarez
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:209-10
Peritoneal dialysis in non-renal solid organ transplants, experience in our center
Ana Cristina Andrade López, José Joaquín Bande Fernández, Carmen Rodríguez Suárez, Elena Astudillo Cortés
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:210-2
Chemical pleurodesis with povidone-iodine for the management of pleuroperitoneal leak in peritoneal dialysis: a case report
Xavier E. Guerra-Torres, Pablo Rodríguez Doyágüez, Enrique Ovejero Merino, Alina Valeria Chávez Guillen, Hanane Bouarich, Fuensanta Moreno Barrio
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:213-5
SARS-CoV-2 infection on the kidney transplant waiting list: Can a patient be transplanted after COVID-19?
Florentino Villanego, Luis Alberto Vigara, Julia Torrado, Javier Naranjo, Ana María García, Teresa García, Auxiliadora Mazuecos
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:215-7
Successful kidney transplantation after COVID-19 infection in two cases
Prabhu Kanchi, Swaminathan Sambandam, Rajasekaran Siddhan, Somasundaram Soundappan, Vadivel Pandian Vaseekaran, Ankur Gupta
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:217-9
A retraining program reduces the rate of peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis
Aránzazu Sastre López, Blanca Linares Fano, Ana Aguilera Flórez, Mario Prieto Velasco
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:219-20
Uremic tumoral calcinosis with atypical manifestation. Case report
Arbey Aristizabal-Alzate, John Fredy Nieto-Ríos, Daniela Trujillo-Agudelo, Dahyana Cadavid-Aljure, Lina María Serna-Higuita, Gustavo Zuluaga-Valencia
Nefrologia (English Version). 2022;42:221-2