Journal Information

Clinical management in nephrology: outcomes and costs
Eduardo Parra, M. Dolores Arenas, Fernando Álvarez-Ude
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:273-5
Short reviews
Perioperative renal protection strategies in liver transplantation
Rosana Guerrero Domínguez, Rosana Guerrero-Domínguez, Daniel López-Herrera Rodríguez, Jesús Acosta Martínez, Jesús Acosta-Martínez, María Bueno Pérez, María Bueno-Pérez, Ignacio Jiménez
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:276-84
Diabetes mellitus and kidney disease in the elderly
Pedro Iglesias, Manuel Heras, Juan J. Díez
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:285-92
Special originals
European Renal Best Practice Guideline on the Management and Evaluation of the Kidney Donor and Recipient
Julio Pascual, Daniel Abramowicz, Pierre Cochat, Frans Claas, Chris Dudley, Paul Harden, Uwe Heeman, Maryvonne Hourmant, ... Evi Nagler
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:293-301
Spanish Society of Nephrology document on KDIGO guidelines for the assessment and treatment of chronic kidney disease
Manuel Gorostidi, Rafael Santamaría, Roberto Alcázar, Gema Fernández-Fresnedo, Josep M. Galcerán, Marián Goicoechea, Anna Oliveras, José Portolés, ... Luis M. Ruilope
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:302-16
Use of radioactive iodine I-131 and monitoring of radioactivity in patients with chronic kidney disease on haemodialysis
Ángel Gallegos-Villalobos, Fernando García-López, Carmen Escalada, Juan J. Ortiz, Jorge Cardona, Amparo Medina, José Portolés
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:317-22
Results of the 2012 third survey on Nephrology resident training
Comisión Nacional de Nefrología, Francisco Ortega-Suárez, Francisco Ortega Suárez
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:323-9
A lower proportion of circulating active parathyroid hormone in peritoneal dialysis does not allow the pth inter-method adjustment proposed for haemodialysis
M. Luisa González-Casaus, Emilio González-Parra, Carmen Sánchez-González, Marta Albalate, Concepción de la Piedra-Gordo, Elvira Fernández, Vicente Torregrosa, Mariano Rodríguez, Víctor Lorenzo
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:330-40
Procalcitonin as an early predictor of acute infection in hemodialysis patients
Borja Quiroga, Maite Villaverde, Almudena Vega, Soraya Abad, Javier Reque, Juan M. López-Gómez
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:341-6
Strokes in patients on haemodialysis: incidence, onset time and associated factors
Lara Belmar, ALM de Francisco, Ángel L.M. de Francisco, Laura Bueno, Celestino Piñera, Celestino Piñera, Elena Monfá, Maria Kislikova, ... Manuel Arias
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:347-52
Prevalence, diagnostic value and clinical characteristics associated with the presence of circulating levels and renal deposits of antibodies against the M-type phospholipase A2 receptor in idiopathic membranous nephropathy
Alfonso Segarra-Medrano, Elías Jatem-Escalante, M. Teresa Quiles-Pérez, M. Teresa Salcedo, M. Antonia Arbós-Via, Helena Ostos, Naiara Valtierra, Clara Carnicer-Cáceres, Irene Agraz-Pamplona
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:353-9
REFOS study: Efficacy and safety of Lanthanum Carbonate in clinical practice in Spain
REFOS, José-Vicente Torregrosa, Emilio González-Parra, M. Teresa González, Jorge Cannata-Andía
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:360-8
Short originals
Translational study of the Notch pathway in hypertensive nephropathy
Carolina Lavoz-Barria, Carolina Lavoz, Alejandra Droguett, M. Eugenia Burgos, Daniel J. Carpio, Alberto Ortiz, Jesús Egido, Sergio Mezzano, ... Marta Ruiz-Ortega
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:369-76
Economic repercussions of implementing a protocol for urgent surgical repair of thrombosed arteriovenous fistulae
Pedro Jiménez-Almonacid, Enrique Gruss, Manuel Lasala, Silvia del Riego, Guillermo López, José A. Rueda, Laura Vega, Santiago Linacero, ... Antonio Quintáns
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:377-82
Prospective study of the complications associated with percutaneous renal biopsy of native kidneys: experience in a centre
María Victoria Pendón-Ruiz de Mier, M. Victoria Pendón-Ruiz de Mier, Mario Espinosa-Hernández, Cristian Rodelo-Haad, Elvira Esquivias de Motta, Elvira Esquivias-de Motta, José Gómez-Carrasco, Rosa Ortega, Pedro Aljama
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:383-7
Role of monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of immune-mediated glomerular diseases
Joaquín Manrique, Paolo Cravedi
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:388-97
Primary hyperoxaluria
Víctor Lorenzo-Sellares, Armando Torres-Ramírez, Eduardo Salido
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:398-412
Letters to the editor - comments on published articles
Comment on ''Peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis: twenty-seven years of experience in a Colombian medical center''
Tolga Yildirim, Dicle Koca-Iskender, Zafer Ercan, Deniz Ayli
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:413
Response to Comment on ''Peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis: twenty-seven years of experience in a Colombian medical centre''
John F. Nieto-Ríos, Lina M. Serna-Higuita, Jorge E. Hernao-Sierra
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:414
Letters to the editor - brief papers about basic research or clinical experiences
Can a Pompe disease patient be an organ donor?
Enrique Morales-Ruiz, Eduardo Gutiérrez-Martínez, Carolina Cordero, Esther González-Monte, Eduardo Hernández-Martínez, Manuel Praga-Terente, Amado Andrés-Belmonte
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:415-6
Anorexia and megestrol acetate: treatment versus placebo controlled study
Milagros Fernández-Lucas, Martha E. Díaz-Domínguez, Gloria Ruiz-Roso, Viviana Raoch, J. Luis Teruel-Briones, Carlos Quereda-Rodríguez-Navarro
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:416-7
Hyperkalaemia in hospitalised patients. How to avoid it?
Patricia de Sequera, Roberto Alcázar, Marta Albalate, Rafael Pérez-García, Elena Corchete, Pedro Asegurado, Marta Puerta, Mayra Ortega-Díaz
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:417-9
Renal function in patients treated with a combination of renin-angiotensin blockers and thiazide diuretics. Is this appropriate?
Diana Manzano Sánchez, Diana Manzano-Sánchez, Mariano Leal Hernández, Mariano Leal-Hernández, Esther Guerrero Perez, Esther Guerrero-Pérez, Félix Martínez Monje, Félix Martínez-Monje
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:419-20
Letters to the editor - brief case reports
Relapse of minimal change disease nephrotic syndrome after administering intravitreal bevacizumab
Miguel Ángel Pérez Valdivia, Miguel A. Pérez-Valdivia, Manuel López Mendoza, Manuel López-Mendoza, Francisco Javier Toro Prieto, Francisco J. Toro-Prieto, Virginia Cabello Chaves, ... Luis Gómez-García
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:421-2
Iodide Mumps
M. Isabel Acosta-Ochoa, Susana Valenciano-Martínez, Carmen Aller-Aparicio, Anthoanet Palacios-Parada, Guadalupe Rodríguez-Portela, Vicente Pérez-Díaz, Jesús Bustamante-Bustamante
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:422-3
IgM nephropathy presenting as full blown crescentic glomerulonephritis: first report in the literature
Javed Kazi, Muhammed Mubarak
Nefrologia (English Version). 2014;34:423-4