Journal Information

SEN-ONT recommendations for living-donor kidney transplantation
Rafael Matesanz, Alberto Martínez Castelao, Manuel Arias
Nefrologia (English Version). 2010;30 Supl 2:0
Guidelines s.e.n.
Objectives and methodology of S.E.N-ONT recommendations for living-donor kidney transplantation
Gema Fernández Fresnedo, María de la Oliva Valentín, José María Cruzado, Julio Pascual
Nefrologia (English Version). 2010;30 Supl 2:1-2
Present situaltion of living-donor kidney transplantation in Spain and other countries: past, present and future of an excellent therapeutic option
Beatriz Domínguez-Gil, María de la Oliva Valentín, Eduardo Martín Escobar, José María Cruzado, Julio Pascual, Gema Fernández Fresnedo
Nefrologia (English Version). 2010;30 Supl 2:3-13
Ethical aspects of living-donor kidney transplantation
Miguel Casares
Nefrologia (English Version). 2010;30 Supl 2:14-22
Regulatory bases of living-donor kidney transplantation
José Luis López del Moral
Nefrologia (English Version). 2010;30 Supl 2:23-9
Indications and contraindications of living-donor kidney transplantation
Amado Andrés
Nefrologia (English Version). 2010;30 Supl 2:30-8
Patient information: when and what
Miguel Ángel Frutos, Mercedes Cabello
Nefrologia (English Version). 2010;30 Supl 2:39-46
Assessment and selection of kidney living donors
Miguel Ángel Gentil Govantes, Porfirio Pereira Palomo
Nefrologia (English Version). 2010;30 Supl 2:47-59
Immunological study of the donor-recipient pair
M Guadalupe Ercilla, Jaume Martorell
Nefrologia (English Version). 2010;30 Supl 2:60-70
Surgical aspects of living-donor kidney transplantation
Mireia Musquera Felip, Lluís Peri Cusí, Antonio Alcaraz Asensio
Nefrologia (English Version). 2010;30 Supl 2:71-9
Immunosuppression for living donor renal allograft recipients
Julio Pascual Santos, Domingo Hernández Marrero
Nefrologia (English Version). 2010;30 Supl 2:80-4
Children as receptors of living donors
Mercedes Navarro Torres, Laura Espinosa Román
Nefrologia (English Version). 2010;30 Supl 2:85-93
Incompatible living donors in kidney tranplantation
Lluís Guirado
Nefrologia (English Version). 2010;30 Supl 2:94-9
Short, medium and long-term follow-up of living donors
Federico Oppenheimer Salinas
Nefrologia (English Version). 2010;30 Supl 2:100-5