Renal function abnormalities are associated with high cardiovascular risk. This increased risk has been shown for all ranges of renal failure, not only for patients with end-stage renal failure, but also for those with a mild or moderate reduction in glomerular filtration rate (GFR)1,2 or with increased urinary albumin excretion or microalbuminuria (MAU).3-5 As a result of these findings, the major international societies recommend in their clinical guidelines that the presence of positive MAU or an estimated GFR < 60 ml/min be considered as a major cardiovascular risk factor.6-8
Simple and sensitive methods have now been developed for detecting renal function abnormalities. Determination of MAU allows the detection of target organ damage and indicates the presence of microcirculation impairment, as well as permitting the monitoring of treatment and the choice of drug therapy.9 GFR is the best method for measuring overall renal function. The use of formulas such as the one derived from the Modification in Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Study10 or the one proposed by Cockcroft and Gault11 allows a more precise approximation of renal function than a single determination of serum creatinine or creatinine clearance, while also reducing the technical complications and discomfort for the patient compared to clearance.12 The renal function assessment, in addition to its interest for stratifying the cardiovascular and renal risk of the patients, has important implications
for their follow-up and treatment.
Arterial hypertension and other forms of clinical presentation of cardiovascular disease are closely linked to the development of chronic renal disease, and play a key role in the development, clinical course and subsequent management of this disease. Determination of renal function is mandatory for risk stratification and the therapeutic approach to hypertensive patients. There are no studies to date assessing whether determination of renal function is performed adequately in clinical practice in hypertensive patients. The primary aim of this study was to assess the proportion of patients attended in cardiology outpatient clinics in whom MAU and/or GFR had been determined at least once in the previous 12 months. As a secondary aim, it sought to determine the association of these renal markers with cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular morbidity.
This was an observational, cross-sectional, retrospective, multicenter study. There was no drug intervention. The study was carried out in 1,224 hypertensive patients recruited consecutively in cardiology outpatient clinics. A total of 124 centers in Spain participated in the study. Each investigator included a total of 10 patients, who were the last 10 patients seen in the clinic with a diagnosis of arterial hypertension who met the inclusion criteria and none of the exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria were patients age 18 years or over and a confirmed diagnosis of arterial hypertension. The exclusion criteria were patients with known renal disease with serum creatinine > 2.0 mg/dl, hospitalized patients, and patients with a life expectancy < 3 months. The study was approved by the Independent Ethics Committee of Hospital Universitario de San Juan.
Data collection
The following data were collected using a questionnaire: age, sex, weight, height, history of arterial hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, smoking, obesity, sedentarism, presence of cardiovascular diseases or family history of cardiovascular disease. In addition, anthropometric measures were taken including height, weight, body mass index and abdominal circumference. Obesity was considered as a body mass index of 30 kg/m2 or greater. The presence of left ventricular hypertrophy was defined according to Sokolow-Lyon electrocardiographic criteria (voltage sum SV1+RV5 or RV6 > 35 mm). Biochemical data were obtained from the last laboratory test performed in the 6 months prior to collection of the study data. Determination of MAU and determination or calculation of GFR and the method used for each was assessed. Blood pressure was taken according the standard guidelines with a mercury
sphygmomanometer. After the patient had remained seated for 5 minutes, 3 blood pressure measurements were taken each 2 minutes apart. The average of the last 2 measurements was obtained and considered the patient¿s blood pressure.
Statistical analysis
Continuous variables was expressed as mean ± standard deviation and compared using Student¿s t test for unpaired data or the Welch test if the homocedasticity of the variances was significantly different. Normality of the distribution was checked using stem and leaf plots. Categorical variables were expressed as percentage of the study population and compared with the X2 test.
In the case of MAU, since it was a variable not calculable a posteriori, the analyses were performed based on the values provided by the investigators. In the case of GFR, the analyses were performed from the values calculated with the MDRD equation, which allowed the analysis of 87% of patients versus 11% of patients with GFR provided by the investigator.
Logistic regression models were adjusted to explain the variables independently associated with the active search for renal dysfunction. The adjusted odds ratios (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals (CI) are presented. Variables with proven clinical relevance and those with a significance level in the univariate analysis < 0.1 were included.
In all hypothesis contrasts&
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Underestimation of renal risk in cardiology clinics. RICAR study
Infravaloración del riesgo renal en consultas de cardiología. Estudio RICAR
V.. Bertomeu Martíneza, V.. Bertomeu-Gonzáleza, J.. Quilesa, P.. Morillasa, J. R.. González-Juanateyb, L.. Fácilac, P.. Mazónc, C.. Filozofd
a Sección de Cardiología, Hospital Universitario de San Juan, Alicante, Alicante, España,
b Servicio de Cardiología, Hospital Clínico Universitario. Facultad de Medicina, Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, España,
c Servicio de Cardiología, Hospital Provincial de Castellón, Castellón, Castellón, España,
d 4Departamento Científico. Área Cardiovascular, Bristol- Myers-Squibb, Madrid, Madrid, España,
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RESUMEN Objetivos: El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la proporción de pacientes hipertensos atendidos en consultas de cardiología cuya microalbuminuria y/o tasa de filtrado glomerular se había determinado al menos una vez en los últimos 12 meses. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio observacional, transversal, multicéntrico. Incluyó a 1.224 pacientes hipertensos de 124 centros en España. Se recogieron datos epidemiológicos, antropométicos, analíticos y electrocardiográficos. El filtrado glomerular se calculó a posteriori mediante la ecuación simplificada de MDRD. Resultados: La microalbuminuria se determinó en un 34% de pacientes, de ellos el 49% tenía microalbúmina positiva. Las tasas de microalbúmina fueron superiores en diabéticos, pacientes con antecedentes de insuficiencia cardiaca, fibrilación auricular, enfermedad arterial periférica o cifras de creatinina sérica > 1,3 mg/dl. Sin embargo esta prueba solo se realizó con más frecuencia en pacientes jóvenes, diabéticos y en aquellos con hipertrofia ventricular izquierda. El filtrado glomerular se calculó por su médico en el 11% de los pacientes. El 30% de los pacientes del estudio tenía disfunción renal en grado moderado o severo (filtrado < 60 ml/min) y solo el 21% tenía función renal normal (filtrado > 90 ml/min). El filtrado glomerular se calculó con más frecuencia en pacientes con creatinina sérica > 1,3 mg/dl y aquellos con antecedentes de insuficiencia cardiaca. Conclusiones: Existe una elevada prevalencia de disfunción renal en hipertensos vistos por cardiólogos. Sin embargo, las técnicas recomendadas para la detección precoz de disfunción renal están infrautilizadas entre los cardiólogos. Estas cifras no mejoran sustancialmente entre subgrupos de alto riesgo.
Palabras clave:
Riesgo vascular
Palabras clave:
Filtrado glomerular
Palabras clave:
Palabras clave:
Hipertensión arterial
SUMMARY Aims: The aim of this study was to assess the rate of patients attended in cardiology outpatient clinics in whom microalbumine or glomerular filtration rate had been determined, at least once, in the previous 12 months. Methods: It was an observational, transversal, multicentric study. 1,224 patients were included from 124 centers in Spain. Epidemiological, anthropometric, analytic and electrocardiographic data were recruited. Glomerular filtration rate was calculated thereafter by means of the simplified equation of the MDRD. Results: Microalbumine was determined in 34% of the patients, of those 49% had positive microalbumine. Microalbumine rates were higher in patients with diabetes, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, peripheral artery disease or serum creatinine levels > 1.3 mg/dl. However, only young patients, diabetics and those with left ventricular hypertrophy had this exam performed more often. The glomerular filtration rate was determined in 11% of the patients. 30% of the population had moderate or severe renal dysfunction (filtration rate < 60 ml/min) and only 21% of the population hat normal renal function (filtration rate > 90 ml/min). Glomerular filtration rate was assessed more frequently in patients with serum creatinine > 1.3 mg/dl and those with history of heart failure. Conclusions: The prevalence of renal dysfunction in hypertensive patients attended in Cardiology clinics is high. However, the methods recommended for early detection of renal dysfunction are scarcely used by cardiologists. These figures do not improve significantly in high risk patients.
Vascular risk
Glomerular filtration rate
Arterial hypertension
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