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Vol. 18. Núm. S7.diciembre 1998
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Vol. 18. Núm. S7.diciembre 1998
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NEFROLOGIA. Vol. XVIII. Supl. 7. 1998 Bibliografía 1. Reemtsma K, McCraken BH, Schlegel JU, Pearl MA, Pearce C, De Witt CW. Renal heterotransplantation in man. Ann Surg 160: 384-410, 1964. 2. Starlz TE, Marchioro TL, Peters G, Kiekpatrick CH, Wilson WEC, Porter KA. Renal heterotransplantation from baboon to man: experiencie with 6 cases. 3. Bailey LL, Nehlsen-Cannarella SL, Concepcion W, Jolley WB. Baboon-to-human cardiac xenotransplantation in a neonate. JAMA 254: 3321-3329, 1985. 4. Starlz TE, Tzakis A, Fung JJ, y cols. Prospects of clinical xenotransplantation. Transplant Proc 26: 1082-1088, 1994. 5. Calne RY. Organ transplantation between widely disparate species. Transplant Proc 2: 550-553, 1970. 6. Hager EB. The forssman antigen as a model for the study of homograft and heterograft immunity. Transplantation 5: 14361440, 1967. 7. Michels MG, Simmons RL. Xenotransplant associated senses: strategies for prevention. Transplantation 57: 1-7. 8. Niekrasz M, Ye Y, Rolf LL. 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